Our Services & Costs
Individual Sessions - $170
Each individual therapy session runs for about 55 minutes, and costs a standard rate of $170. This cost will be agreed upon with your practitioner during your initial phone consultation, and can be adjusted should your financial circumstances change (see the “sliding scale” section).
Family & Systemic Sessions - $ 200
Each session with your family or members of your community run for about 55 minute and cost a standard rate of $200. This cost is higher than the cost for an individual session, due to the increased energy, knowledge, and work needed to attune to multiple individuals at the same time, in the same space.
Consultation - $100 - 150/hr
If you are a fellow practitioner, and are interested in consulting on some aspect of gender-affirming care, working with transgender or gender-expansive folks, or working with neuroexpansive folks, please reach out.
I am a Washington-State Approved Supervisor and will take on a few supervisees at a time. The most important aspect of the supervisory relationship to me is fit and alignment of practice - therefore, supervision is offered on a sliding scale to ensure equity and access.
Sliding Scale
I am of the belief that we, as human beings, all deserve care, support, and access to resources. If access to financial means is a barrier in your ability to access care that would most align with your needs, please reach out.
Killian Collaborative Therapy is not paneled with or in-network with any insurance companies. I am able to provide you with a SuperBill after we meet, and am happy to explain what exactly this document is, in the eyes of insurance. If you are hoping for reimbursement of any type with your personal insurance plan, please check your OON coverages.